As I want to start to develop apps for local clients and for my own, I needed to update my stack. Primefaces is great, but I wanted to learn Node long ago, so I decided to start with Angular for the frontend. I stuck with Java for the backend for two main reasons: experience and mature frameworks.
After a couple weeks of work I created Garrus, a full stack scaffold, fully funciontal with a couple of CRUDs for example. Just 4 commands are neccesary to get it running.
Stack and details
- Spring Boot for running and packing.
- Spring Data for data access + Hibernate 5.
- Spring security with JWT (Json web tokens) for the rest services. Includes examples on how to secure the acces to the resources with @PreAuthorize
- Junit with Spring boot.
- MapStruct (a cool mapping tool without using reflection) for mappin data entities and DTOs at rest layer.
- Different maven profiles preconfigured.
- User table for login. Password stored as plain text.
- Vehicles and drivers simple model for reference and example.
- Angular 6 . Using Angular CLI 6.0.8
- Angular Materials for components.
- Dashboard layout by Creative Tim.(
- Toastr: good looking and simple notifications.(
- Loading spinner.
- Login/logout with secured app route.
- CRUD functionality for vehicles and drivers.